The saying goes, "If you have more than two of something, then you have a collection". Needless to say, I have many collections! Collections do not have to be expensive. None of mine are. I collect old postcards, books, and other vintage ephemera, as well as old glass bottles, American art pottery, milk glass and so on. None of my collections are huge and unmanageable. And, my house does not look like a jumbled flea market. I think collections add character to a home, when kept under control. Vintage tins make great collectibles because, not only are they beautiful, but you can use them for storage. Tins come in many sizes. There are tea tins, biscuit tins, lunch tins, cake tins and more. They can be displayed in groups or scattered about. Keep you eyes open at antique stores and other second hand stores for colorful old tins. They are lovely to behold and functional, as well.
I used to have a lot of collectibles but I don't have room for them now. I used to miss them but I have developed other interests. You have beautiful things and I am happy for you
Love these! Great idea. I like the usefulness/funness of the tins. I will need to find some.
Old tins are fun! Thanks for your comment.
I used to have a lot of collectibles but I don't have room for them now. I used to miss them but I have developed other interests. You have beautiful things and I am happy for you
Thank you, Lauretta. Things are things. People are much more important.
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